Thursday, October 23, 2003

Search Request Thursday

Here we go again: interesting search requests that have led people here this week (as well as a few from last week that I accidentally left off then).

  • naked halloween: I suppose going naked does save on the price of a costume, but judging from the number of hits I've gotten from people looking for variations on this phrase, if you're after a genuinely original idea, this just ain't it. Factor in the possibility of indecent exposure arrests, and I'd say you're really better off with the Dracula cape.

  • "desert island discs" choice "gary glitter": No, Gary Glitter would most definitely not be my choice for a desert island disc. No offense to the guy.

  • what has happened in Dr. Frank Etscorn's life: Well, he taught me in a couple of psychology classes, but I sincerely doubt that counts as one of the highlights of his existence.

  • Girl's school in Darjeeling: Sorry, I know nothing about Darjeeling's school system, only that they produce a very nummy strain of tea.

  • poor dental hygine state: You mean, like Alabama? (I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. I apologize to anybody reading this who is from Alabama.)

  • movie greenhouse water main bathrobe: Well, I can't name that movie, I'm afraid. Anybody?

  • count chocula halloween costume: See, now there's an original idea for a Halloween costume!

  • is as if someone raised the price of dying to maximum vent again lyri: Ooooh-kay.

  • uncertain: I'm uncertain how and why anyone managed to end up here searching for this word.

  • how old is Dr. Frank Etscorn: Geez, I'm starting to feel like I'm being used to stalk this guy...


  • 2003 Yuri Gagarin e-mail guest book: Unfortunately, I'm afraid Yuri Gagarin isn't going to be able to post any e-mail to your guest book this year, seeing as he's kind of dead.

  • "claudia black" official website therapist: Ah, yes, I'm sure I've talked to more than one person who probably ought to see a therapist about their obsession with Claudia Black. Not that I'm one to talk about that sort of thing...

  • alamagordo white sands tourist lost: Man, they are serious there when they tell you to stick to the trails. It's nearly impossible to orient yourself in all that white.

  • professor snape sneezing: Did those Weasley jokers put sneezing powder in one of his potions or something? For shame!

  • screensaver atheist: Hmm, does that refer to an atheist-themed screensaver, or to a person who refuses to believe in screensavers?

  • gorilla boobs: This is me, backing away slowly...

  • Robert Frost "I Will Sing You One-O" commentary: I only bother mentioning this one because I've gotten about a dozen hits on this, or some similar variation, in the last couple of weeks. Hmm, apparently someone's assigned that poem as homework...

  • novelty toilet plunger buy: OK, now I'm deeply curious as to what shapes novelty toilet plungers come in.

  • orac whale bones: Hmm, maybe it's his secret scrimshaw hobby Orac's actually engaged in all those time when he's complaining that he doesn't want to deal with petty human problems because his circuits are otherwise engaged. I guess he'd have to take over a robot with some sort of manipulative capacity to practice it, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem...

  • obscure music "to the moon alice": Actually, I believe that was from a considerably less-than-obscure TV show. Hope that helps.

  • sam and frodo's conflict in two towers movie: Was beautifully played, in my opinion. Sigh. Man, I want to see Return of the King right now.

  • papers "random wibblings": I tend to do most of my own random wibbling here on the internet. It saves on paper.

  • Why does Gaiman call the dream of Bottom is the one moment of genuine: Uh, I dunno. Did you check his FAQ?

  • "astronomy movie" armageddon: Honestly, there was very little remotely resembling real space science in Armageddon.

  • cybermen lego: Well, there's some pretty cool Doctor Who Lego stuff here, but no Cybermen, alas.
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