Saturday, February 08, 2003


Hey, I haven't done this for February yet!

Current clothes: At the moment I'm wearing my nice comfy jammies, which are blue and have sheep on them. Also my big leopard-foot slippers, which, now that I think about it, is kind of an odd (perhaps even disturbing) predator-prey juxtaposition.

Current mood: Kinda sleepy. Which is not a good thing since, due to a bit of shuffling in my work schedule, I'm going to be staying on night shift for the next two weeks, and I really need to get myself into nocturnal mode.

Current music: In the stereo right now are The Essential Andreas Vollenweider and Bruce Springsteen's The Rising

Current hair: Slightly damp at the bottom. I just took a bath (hence the jammies).

Current annoyance: My sleeping problems, as alluded to above and described often enough on this blog of late that everybody's probably tired of hearing about them.

Current thing: Trying to get a bit caught up on the massive backlog of books/DVDs/CDs I still have to read/watch/listen to. I've not been terribly successful, though.

Current desktop picture: This amazing image of the Andromeda Galaxy.

Current song stuck in head: Actually, since I typed the name of the Springsteen album a couple of mintues ago, the title song's been kind of looping through my head.

Current book: Immortal Coil by Jeffrey Lang, a surprisingly good Star Trek: The Next Generation novel.

Current video in player: Nothing at the moment, but most recently the tape on which I recorded tonight's Farscape. Currently in the DVD player is disc 4 of Buffy season three.

Current refreshment: Mint tea.

Current worry: You know, I've got something of a list of current worries, and they're depressing enough that I'd really rather not dwell on them just now.

Current thought: Must... stay... awake...

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