Thursday, August 10, 2006

It's Easy! Just Change The Gravitational Constant Of The Universe!

You ever have one of those days where it feels like someone's turned up the gravity, and it's just too much of an effort to drag your ass around, or possibly even to hold up your head?

Ugh. I want to go home and sleep until somebody's fixed the planet.


  1. Ok, so I'm stuck in this month long training class at work. A little room with 10 other people doing horribly boring things. However, I here someone saw hey "Paul that sounds like a Dalek". So I'm like Paul are you a Doctor Who fan, and so it turns out like both of them and one other person are huge science fiction fans.

  2. Yay! Being stuck in a boring room with isn't nearly so bad when you're stuck with fans. :)

  3. Darn I meant to post this comment under the Doctor Who thread :(

  4. Eh, a comment about tedium at work isn't all that inappopriate on this one, I think. :)

    And I meant to have one fewer "with" in my own comment. Everybody's fallible.


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