Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Whaddaya Mean, It's Only 10:30?!

Damn, isn't it time to go home yet? I made the mistake of glancing at the clock a couple of hours ago and somehow getting the impression that it was a couple of hours later than it actually was... You can imagine what a nasty shock it was when I realized my mistake. It feels like I should have long since been home by now. Worse, I don't have a whole lot of immediate work-related stuff to do, I'm in no mental state to start any big projects, and I've finished the book I was reading. (It was The Science of Superheroes, for the record. And it wasn't all that interesting, because it was mostly a lot of stuff about science, which I know all about, and very little about superheroes, which I'm not really up on. I should have expected that, of course, as the book's target audience is sure to have it exactly the other way around.)


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