Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Supporting Space

The Planetary Society is asking for signatures on a petition to the US Congress calling for continued government support of the US space program. Here's the text of the petition:
Dear Senator McCain and Representative Boehlert:

The tragic loss of the seven courageous Columbia astronauts should – rightly – force careful review of all of NASA’s procedures. Shortcomings and failures need to be found and corrected to prevent a recurrence, and make human spaceflight as safe as possible.

Traveling into space is inherently dangerous, but each failure can also be a way to advance the cause of exploration. The hearings over which you will soon preside can contribute mightily to this important goal.

But, it is essential that the naysayers – who have long opposed a vital and intrepid space program of science and planetary exploration – not be allowed to use the Columbia disaster as an excuse to cripple NASA, or distract the agency from its core purpose of exploration science and discovery.

I urge you to support thorough hearings, solving NASA’s problems, and going forward with a vital program of human and robotic space exploration.

If you want to add your name, you can do so here. (You don't need to be a US citizen to sign.)

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