Thursday, August 01, 2002

Pity Me

You know, it occurs to me that the reason I seem to be remembering my dreams better of late is that I haven't been sleeping very solidly. I know I keep saying this, probably in the same desperate/hopeful tone every time, but it's looking like my work schedule may be changing in the not-too-distant future, and I absolutely can not wait. Every time I have to do that damned backwards rotation from night shift to day shift, it just seems to get harder and harder. And I have to do it every other stinking week! I don't actually have to be in to work until noon when I'm on day shift, which sounds just fine on paper, but the fact is, lately I'm having trouble just getting to sleep before sunrise. I'll go to bed at 3 AM, toss and turn for an hour or two, finally fall asleep... And then, as we've seen, maybe I'll have some weird, freaky dreams, wake up, and fall back to sleep again. And when my alarm goes off at 11:00, it's all I can do to drag my behind out of bed.

I didn't even manage that this morning. Pushed the wrong button on the alarm clock last night and woke up thinking "Hey, wow, I'm awake before the alarm went off! How nice. I can just lie here for a few minutes." Maybe 15 minutes later, I get up, I look at the clock... and it's 11:55. Damn.

I actually managed to make it into work by ten after, and nobody seems to have noticed or cared that I was late, but now I'm sitting here, unshowered and undercaffeinated, frankly wishing I was back in bed, no matter what kind of dreams I might get. Sigh.

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