Saturday, August 10, 2002

Hey, I Said I Might Make This A Monthly Thing...

Current clothes: A black Star Trek T-shirt, arguably a size too large for me. The front has a little strip down the right-hand side (my right, that is), featuring (for some reason) Kirk, Spock, Picard, Deanna Troi, Benjamin Sisko, and Quark. I guess the idea was one captain and one alien from each show. Or one half-human, maybe, except that there weren't any on DS9. Stars, planets, and the appropriate ships/space station are visible in the background. On the back of the shirt is a version of the Starfleet logo and the words "Star Trek." I'm also wearing jeans (slightly long, so the bottoms are rolled up into cuffs), black socks, and greenish-brown hiking boots.

Current mood: Mildy hyper. Possibly too much caffeine tonight...

Current music: Currently in the stereo at home is The John Lennon Collection. Most recently listened to (in the walkman): the Shrek soundtrack and Queen's It's a Kind of Magic (two absoutely awesome discs, by the way).

Current hair: Very badly in need of a cut. It's gotten to the stage where it starts to want to stick out in random directions. I've taken to slathering it with large quantities of goop to make it behave, with mixed success.

Current annoyance: Too much to do; too little ambition.

Current thing: That whole obsession-with-TV-shows deal.

Current desktop picture: I'm back to the Farscape wallpaper images now. At the moment it's a tribute to Harvey wallpaper (featuring G.I. Harvey), which I put up a few weeks ago because... Well, actually, that'd be a spoiler. Anyway, I'm thinking about replacing it again, because it kind of bums me out looking at it for, uh, reasons that are also a spoiler. Actually, if you don't know who Harvey is, his very existence is a spoiler, so never even mind.

Current favorite group: Still countin' down to the Rush concert, baby!

Current book: Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino

Current video in player: The video I left in to try re-taping tonight's Farscape in hopes that the cable reception would be better.

Current refreshment: Spearmint-flavored tea.

Current worry: The non-waterproof nature of my home.

Current thought: My brain's just sorta going "bzzzzzzzz" at the moment, really.

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