Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Eek! Weather!

Wow. That's... kind of a lot of snow.


  1. Mind you, mine is "a lot of snow" by our standards, an my describing it that way could legitimately elicit bitter, disbelieving laughter from anybody in your part of the country. :)

  2. In Chicago, eh?

  3. I'm in New Mexico. We get over an inch of snow here, and it's a really big deal. :)

  4. Over an inch?! Ye gods, how do you manage?!

    We've had a couple of recent snowfalls both well into the two-feet range. We haven't been without snow since Christmas.

    I'll just be over here, laughing bitterly inside my snow fort. :)

  5. How do we manage? Badly. I think we have maybe one snowplow for the entire county.

  6. I often think we do too, sadly.

  7. You have a snowplow?! I'm jealous. Actually, I think they might have plows in The Noog, but they aren't organized enough to use them sensibly.

    Mind you, people have been warning me about "high winds" forecast for today, but 35 mph is nothing in contrast to New Mexico. When there's so much dirt and dust and pollen in the sky that you can't see the mountains (or the sun), call me.

  8. Of course, they only ever use it to plow I-25. Maybe I-60, I suppose, if they're feeling really ambitious.

    And 35 mph as "high wind" is laughable. :)


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