Sunday, November 07, 2010

In Which I Talk To Myself

So, in 2005, on something of a whim, I did this thing where you could e-mail messages to your future self. I sent several, to various points in the future. And, well, I just got one back. Past Me had this advice for Present Me: "Don't let yourself become a crazy old cat lady, OK? Go out once in a while and stuff. I mean it." The two things I have been stressing out about rather a lot in the past week or so? The fact that I feel compelled to take in another stray kitten and the fact that I've been even more socially avoidant than usual, which I don't think is good for me.

Oh, me. You know me frighteningly well.


  1. Sounds like me, too, except for the cat part. (I did buy a new houseplant a couple weeks ago.) Also, I titled this morning's post to my blog similarly to yours, well before I read yours. I think we know each other a little too well. (This is exactly why we're SSFH's.)

  2. You can be the crazy plant dude. There was one of those on Doctor Who once.

  3. I like the idea of that scheme. Pity it's not still going now, or I might have a go at it.

    Actually, it would make a good meme, too - just as things like what you would tell your 18-year-old self.

  4. I find it easy enough to think of things I'd like to tell my younger self, but then my science fictional sensibilities kick in with warnings about altering the timelines, and I decide I couldn't risk telling her anything at all. At least talking to Future Me doesn't involve any time paradoxes. :)

  5. :-)

    Some of the things that one might typically warn one's younger self against have, in retrospect, become learning experiences. In the depths of the nightmares, I might have wanted to warn myself, but I'm not sure I would now.

  6. Yeah, same here. I really didn't enjoy living through some of it, but I'm not entirely unhappy with the way it all came out.


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