Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stuff Involving Me And Doctor Who

Before it slips my mind again, I really ought to mention that the fourth issue of Kaleidotrope is now available, and that it features an interview editor Fred Coppersmith talked me into conducting with the authors of The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: The Discerning Fan's Guide to Doctor Who, an interesting book that takes an analytical look at the series, old and new.

In very tangentially related news, I have finally broken down and ordered one of these. Hey, I needed one! At the moment, I can't plug both my printer and my scanner into my new computer at once because the cables are too short.


  1. Oh man...if the Face of Boe sitting on my desk had a USB port...

  2. *refuses to make any jokes about the face of Boe and interfaces or orifices* :)

  3. Is your USB hub larger on the inside? If so, you could park your car in it.

  4. It didn't say on the web page, but you'd think it ought to be! :)

  5. refuses to make any jokes about the face of Boe and interfaces or orifices
    That's okay. Cap'n Jack can make those jokes for you (as well as ones about his own name).

    And, is this "Port Powered Hub Station" thingy an essential computing device that I'll need whenever I get around to buying my new computer?

  6. Not unless you've got more stuff to plug into it than you've got easily-accessible USB ports. Which somehow I kind of doubt you will.


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