Friday, November 30, 2007

Stupid Drama-Queen Gasballs. They Only Do It To Piss Me Off.

It's rather awe-inspiring, in a way, to contemplate how the explosion of a star twelve million years ago can lead directly to me having a really, really annoying week at work. It makes one think about both the fundamental interconnectedness and the fundamental annoyingness of all things in the universe. Or something like that.

Fortunately, I think it's finally over for now. Hooray! *does a happy dance on the supernova's cooling stellar corpse*


  1. It makes one think about both the fundamental interconnectedness and the fundamental annoyingness of all things in the universe.

    True, but please do yourself a favor and never date Dirk Gently.

  2. It was really inconsiderate of that star. Had it gone supernova 20 years earlier or, probably, twenty years later, then it wouldn't have been your problem.

  3. Captain C: You have to admit, he'd doubtless show me an interesting time!

    John: Actually, it went off in 1993, minus about twelve million years. And we're still looking at it. Damned supernovae have to be so bloody interesting...

  4. If they are super, why do you dislike them

  5. If it makes you feel any better, I think you're vastly more interesting and entertaining than an exploding ball of gas. :)

  6. Aww, thanks. Although it's probably just as well that nobody's pointing telescopes at me. :)


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