Tuesday, October 29, 2002

The State of My Buffy-Viewing Report

Well, OK, as mentioned before, I've now seen through about half of season 4 of Buffy (albeit with gaps), and I've seen random scattered epsiodes of season 6, including the finale. And I figured, given all that, I really might as well jump in and start watching the current season 7 episodes. After all, if I wait until I'm all caught up, it's likely to be years. And I don't think I could handle the withdrawl symptoms. So I watched the rerun that was on tonight. (I actually intended to start with last week's episode, but my VCR screwed up. Stupid machine.) Anyway, I didn't have any problem with it at all; the necessary continuity points all either involved things that I had seen or things that I've just sort of resigned myself to accepting on faith until I do eventually get to see the relevant episodes (like the origin of Dawn, which I am confident that one day I will actually understand). So, as it happens, I really only have one question about the progression of the show during the episodes I've missed: Just when, exactly, did Xander become an adult? Not that I'm complaining. It looks good on him. (Though not, admittedly, as good as that duster looks on Giles. (OK, there, my shameful secret is out: I'm a complete sucker for a man in a duster. Happy?))

Oh, and I have absolutely no idea what that obvious new Big Bad is that appears at the end of the epsiode, but I like it. More, please!

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