Thursday, October 24, 2002

Minor Renovations

OK, I've decided to do a bit of clean-up on my Blogger template page. I've been using the links section over on the left there to link to various blogs I've found that looked interesting and that I wanted to revisit periodically, but, well, I don't know about anybody else, but I've started to notice that there are a number of them that I pretty much never click on. So I figured I might as well just remove the links to things that turned out not to interest me as much as I thought, or that interest me in theory but that I never seem to look at anyway, or that haven't been updated in a zillion years. (I've made exception for the small block of friends-and-family's blogs at the top there, even though some of those haven't been updated in a zillion years, either. (Yes, little Sis, I am thinking of you!)) Anyway, just in case anybody is deeply distressed by losing those links, here's the ones I've removed. If you wanna keep 'em, hey, put 'em up on your own page!

Backup Brain
Book Slut
Bouillabaisse for the Soul
Fresh Hell
The Louisiana Mars Society
Musings from the Gutter
Outside of a Dog
Weasel Words

Absolutely no disrespect is meant to the authors of any of the above, by the way! It's just that I was starting to feel guilty about all those links going ignored by me, their creator, over there in that incredibly prominent place on my own blog, and, you know, if I don't have to look at them any more, I won't feel bad any more. Or such is the theory, anyway.

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