Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Out of the House

Damn it, I was just starting to really get into the current season of House, and now apparently it's going on hiatus for a while. I love how the network doesn't even bother telling us what date it'll be back on, just that it will return "after the World Series." Like I'm supposed to know when that is.

I ask myself, as I frequently do, why it is that the whole world seems geared to cater towards sports fans but not fans of, you know, interesting stuff. When I am Emperor of the World, I am going to act like I assume that everybody knows when, say, the anniversary of Star Trek is, and there will be extensive coverage of it on the major networks, pre-empting any sporting events that might otherwise be scheduled.


  1. House returns on October 31.

    Some people do find sports interesting, you know...

  2. Yes, but those people are wrong. Or at the very least have far too much cultural influence. ;)

  3. Damn straight.
    It's like in Canada when *both* Battlestar Galactica and Doctor Who premiere on Thanksgiving weekend...when I won't be anywhere near a TV to watch them.
    Wish I had a Tivo right about now...

  4. I know that Star Trek just turned 40 a few weeks ago! Happy Anniversary Star Trek

  5. Yes, on September 8th, to be exact. :)

  6. Darn I didn't mean to use my last name in my last comment :)

  7. I know who you are, anyway. :)


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