Thursday, December 19, 2002

Oh, Yeah, This Never Gets Old.

I find this rather hard to believe, but this humble blog has now had over 3,000 hits! And while most of those are from what I think of as my Six Loyal Readers (although that number seems to have expanded slightly of late), a fairish number of them are from poor, misguided souls who are looking for actual information and content on things they're specifically interested in. Often really disturbing things, but it is mine not to judge, only to mock. Yes, folks, that's right, it's once again time for WACKY SEARCH ENGINE REQUESTS! Let's see what fresh goofiness we've had in the last couple of weeks:

  • chiana in bondage: I knew I was gonna get hits for that one! I wonder if I can count that towards my "hits for naked pictures of Farscape characters" collection? Technically, it doesn't count. Then again, I've also gotten a hit for naked pictures of Gigi Edgley, so I think if you put 'em together, they count. We'll call that four characters down, then!

  • Wil Wheaton naked pictures: No. Just just no, but Hell, no.

  • Farscape nude pictures: I'm not counting this one. Too broad. Individual characters only, please!

  • frodo naked: Sam will kill you if you try anything. (Note: click on link at own risk. I take no responsibility for offensive content or ruined keyboards.)

  • jurassic park the novel by michael crichton is an allegory: Interestingly enough, I did use all those words. Just not in proximity to each other. I'm curious as to what this person thought the book was an allegory of. I strongly suspect that they may be confusing the notion of theme, which is a very broad concept, with that of allegory, which is a much more specific concept, involving a deliberate one-to-one correspondence of elements. And, uh, I have no idea why I felt the need to get into an English Lit lecture. Let's move on, shall we?

  • naked legolas picture: Alas, no. I have no naked LotR pictures on this blog whatsoever. Only the rather unwelcome suggestion that I should be dating Frodo.

  • "blake's 7" + gary glitter: Interesting to contemplate what those two things have in common. Outrageous costumes definitely come to mind.
  • monty python the galaxy song accuracy: Actually, most of the figures in "The Galaxy Song" are surprisingly accurate, though a lot of them have been rounded off rather liberally, probably to make the song scan better. I once calculated the orbital velocity of the Earth just to see if Eric Idle had gotten it right, and I'm proud to say that he did. It's 19 miles/second, almost spot-on.

  • job restaurant -thai apply: I wonder what they've got against Thai restaurants?

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