Wednesday, December 11, 2002

"Good Morning" Is an Oxymoron

Tell me, why is it that no matter how much sleep I've actually had, even if I went to bed at 9:30 (as I did last night), it still takes a near-heroic act of will for me to haul my ass out of bed at 6:45 AM? Well, no, don't answer that. I know the reason: circadian rhythms, low body temperature, the fact that I just seem to be genetically predisposed to be a night person. Which is actually pretty handy when I'm working night shift; unlike most of my co-workers, I seldom have any problems sleeping during the daylight hours. But sometimes I really, really envy those damned morning people. The entire world seems to be geared towards them, have you noticed that?

Pardon me. I must go and inhale some more coffee now.

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