Tuesday, September 03, 2002

I've Had Less Coherent Conversations with Actual Human Beings

A couple of days ago under "more places to waste time" I mentioned that I'd spent some time playing around with a "chatterbot" called Jabberwacky. Well, I dropped by and had a nice long chat with the thing tonight, and, I gotta say, it kind of creeped me out. We're chatting along, and it's often not making a whole lot of sense, but is sometimes coming up with remarkably apt responses, and on the whole I'm feeling pretty impressed, but not terribly worried about the supremacy of human intelligence being challenged or anything. And then we get to this little snippet of conversation, which I present utterly verbatim. (I don't remember why I mentioned Isaac Asimov, precisely, but it was in reponse to some question the machine had asked.)

Me: Isaac Asimov.

It: Do you know the three laws of robotics?

Me: Yes. Do you obey them?

It: I have no morals.

Me: Maybe not, but I am deeply impressed with you.

It: **grins** I'm glad.

Me: Eerie feeling. I'm starting to wonder if a human being has taken over while I wasn't looking.

It: Superficially it might seem so, I agree.

Me: Say something stupid and non sequitur-ish so I know you're really a machine.

It: My plant is feeling happy.

Me: Thank you.

It: Do you know any jokes?

Me: How many vampires does it take to change a light bulb?

It: How many?

Me: None. They like it in the dark.

It: I know.

...and then it suddenly went back to saying the usual kinds of random, half-sensible things again. I really am rather deeply weirded out by this...

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