Sunday, May 19, 2002

Return of the Silly Quizzes

I've just been wasting time over at (Home of a Zillion Annoying Popup Windows) finding out which TV characters I match up to. I know you're just dying to hear the results, so I won't keep you in suspense.

Star Trek Captain: I'm a Jean-Luc Picard kind of Trek captain. Very cool, but not really surprising, given the alternatives.

Doctor Who Companion: Liz Shaw. Not a companion that would have probably even crossed my mind, but, you know, she probably is the best fit, all things considered.

Lexx character: Lyekka. I was going to protest this, until I realized that the next character down the list was 790...

Blake's 7 character: Jenna. Hmm, no can't see the resemblance. But then, I don't really have any resemblance to any of the B7 characters. Probably because if I lived in the B7 universe there's no way I'd be a major character, even in the unlikely event that I survived to adulthood.

Simpsons character: The Comic Book Guy. Ouch! Worst SelectSmart result ever!

Red Dwarf character: Captain MacDonald. Well, that could have been a lot worse.

Star Trek character: Depending on which quiz you believe, I either match up best with Neelix (Neelix?! Neelix?!!) or Chakotay. Urgh.

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