Sunday, October 03, 2004

Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me

I went to bed last night at about 2:30 with a slightly scratchy throat. I woke up this morning at 6:30 with a scratchy throat, a phlegm-clogged respiratory system, aching sinuses, and a widespread general feeling of bodily unhappiness. (Also cramps, but I suppose those aren't especially relevant, except inasmuch as they contribute to my overall misery.)

Apparently, my plans for the day have just metamorphosed into: "lie in bed a lot, drink liquids, and sleep at random intervals whenever it actually proves possible."

And I'm pretty damned sure I'm not going into work tonight. Which I'm sure my boss will be thrilled about, as we've already had a bunch of people out for various reasons over the last few days.

And, to top it all off, I thought I had some orange juice in the fridge, and I don't. *sniff*

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