Thursday, January 16, 2003

Now I'm Getting Fan Mail!

I just got a letter of support from a complete stranger who read my TV Guide letter and wanted to let me know that she agreed with me and was glad they printed it. Wow. What's particularly interesting about this is that TV Guide didn't print my address, just my name and city. So, on the envelope she wrote "Box [blank space]" in-between the two, and seems to have trusted the Post Office to figure it out. Yep, there's that Scaper optimism I so love to see! As it happens, the thing was actually stamped "return to sender; not deliverable as addressed," but apparently somebody at the local post office recognized my name, knew which box I was, and just stuck it in. (I've been known to complain about the Post Office a lot, so it seems only fair to offer them props when they do something cool like this. I might also add that this people-actually-know-who-you-are phenomenon is one of the (comparatively few) advantages of small-town life, something about which I also often tend to complain.)

Anyway, I'm quite surprised and flattered by this. Although it may simply be a symptom of the campaign mindset that says, "Write as many letters as possible to every single person you can possibly think of."

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