Friday, January 31, 2003

I Know, I Know, But Stupid Online Quizzes Are Fun!

Vila: unappreciated genius
VILA: "Any very talented person could have done it." --

Sure, you're a slacker. Sure, you're unreliable.
Sure, you'll take anything that's not nailed
down. And, yeah, you're physically
unimpressive. But you bring the mad skillz--
even if you have to be threatened and bullied
into risking danger to use them. You'd think
people would appreciate you more! Where are
the virgins in red fur!

Which Season One Blakes 7 Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Now, that was a really cool quiz. Probably even better than the Farscape one. And, yup, of all of 'em, I defintely identify with Vila the most! Plus, I like Vila. He's oddly... cuddly.

Which Animaniacs Character are You?
"You are inquisitive to the point of getting trampled, run over, and blinded, on a daily basis. "
"It could be due to your scientific nature. You long to learn how things work."
"Because you really like to know things, but are prone to getting hurt."
"Because, if it wasn't for others generally taking the fall for you, you might well be dead by now! Remember, curiosity is great, but it also killed the cat. Well, in this case, the dog, Buttons, would probably be more appropriate."
"Okay, lady, I love you, bu-bye!"
Click here to see my Livejournal.

Aw, man, I was sure I was gonna come out as The Brain. Phooey.

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