Saturday, March 31, 2012

Unrecovered Biblioholic

So, of course, I went to the library sale. And, of course, I went with a fixed number in mind for the maximum books I would allow myself to buy. And, of course, somewhere in there, I... sort of forgot to keep count. Somehow, I found myself with twice that number, and I just couldn't bear to put any of them back. They were all looking at me with puppy-dog expressions, going, "Take us home and love us!" Really, what could I do? Sigh.

Also, note to self: Next time, do not bring a tote bag. You will end up completely filling it, and then you will have to walk home carrying fourteen books. (Well, fifteen, if you count the one I brought with me to read on the way. Book addiction? Me? Why would you say that?)


  1. Last time I went, I brought along one of those collapsible file boxes on wheels. It holds up to forty pounds. :D

  2. Well, that makes me feel slightly better. Also slightly jealous. :)

  3. Heh, they're $25 or so at Staples if you have one around.

  4. I laughed out loud when you said you brought a book to read on the way to the book sale.


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