Sunday, June 19, 2011

'Nother Batch Of Random Links

BBC Confirms 'Doctor Who' Won't Have A Full Season In 2012: I've read several articles about this now, and I still don't understand exactly what's going to air when, but I suspect that may be because the BBC hasn't entirely figured it out yet.

Rejected Father's Day Cards: Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Astronomer: 7 TV scientists that even real scientists approve of: I don't necessarily agree with this entire list, but it's fun.

Shelf-pod: A house where every wall is lined with bookshelves. Let me say that again. A house where every wall is lined with bookshelves. I am feeling a truly inappropriate amount of lust here.

Baby snow leopard triplets debut in Swiss zoo: Adorable endangered spotty kitty cubs!

Simon's Cat in 'Hidden Treasure': Speaking of kitties... I ought to send this to my mom. According to her this is one of Mickey's favorite activities.


  1. The BBC can't even figure out their schedule for BBC America: "we'll air them the same week as the UK, except when we won't, and the US will be at least a week behind at perhaps the absolute worst moment."

    Not that I get or am watchingon BBC America -- no worries, lawyers, I've been buying episodes at Amazon -- but I'm not convinced Memorial Day weekend was a *bad* time to air the "season" finale along with the UK.

  2. Yeah, I know a lot of American Who fans were confused by BBC America ending up a week behind the UK, as well as by the mid-season hiatus. I actually had a friend call me to ask me what the heck was going on. (For some reason, all my friends seem to assume that I know what's going on with Doctor Who. :))

  3. Thanks for the great card. Jainice and I laughed quite loud.
    The cards in your post are great, too. Very funny. This is one post I will save. Love You.

  4. You're welcome! And I hereby dedicate this post to you. Happy Father's Day!

  5. The architects left space on the walls for a picture and windows. Obviously, those will have to go.

  6. Well, the windows are acceptable. Gives you some nice natural light to read by. :)

  7. Now that I look at the pics again, I see that one could put books in front of the windows, I suppose.


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