Thursday, December 04, 2008

Well, This Is My Life. Really, You Ought To Have Known It Was Like This When You Started Reading.

Apparently it's been a full week since I last updated my blog. I'd like to say that this is because I've been incredibly busy cleaning the entire house, or exploring the Amazon or something, but mostly I've just been marathoning episodes of The Pretender.

So, uh, how about you guys? Found a cure for the common cold in the last week or so? Watched any good television? Found any more interesting blogs?


  1. As Mr. Language-Person, I'd like to know if you meant any other interesting blogs or any blogs more interesting than yours.

  2. More interesting than this? Surely you jest!

    I've really fallen in love with The Middleman. It's looking increasingly unlikely that ABC Family will give it a second season, but I'm hopeful.

  3. Captain C: It was deliberately ambiguous. :)

    Fred: Yes, I know you're all riveted to your seats at my every word. :)

    I haven't been watching The Middleman, but every person I know who is has said good things about it. So I'm hoping it'll get renewed, too, for purposes of my future DVD-watching. (As if I didn't already have enough of that to do...)

  4. The film "I, Robot" was shown on TV over here a couple of weeks ago. I recorded it, and have just got around to watching it.

    Apart from including the three laws of robotics and calling one of the characters Susan Calvin, it bore very little relation to anything of Isaac Asimov's. In fact although the credits were a mile long, I don't think that his name was appeared. But taking the film on its own terms, I found it quite enjoyable. And its rebots looked very elegant, one might almost say beautiful.

  5. I actually saw that one in the theater, back when it came out. And I pretty much agree with you about it. As an adaptation of Asimov, it pretty much isn't, but it wasn't at all a bad movie, in and of itself.

  6. Uh, I genetically modified some E. coli bacteria to be resistant to antibiotics through use of viral transduction, but other than that my week has really been pretty boring. And the first part really wasn't as cool or impressive as I try to make it sound. :)

  7. Dude, it's hard for something to be cooler than you make that sound. :)

  8. Well, I'm not sure if you've already seen this:

    Those pages look pretty frellin' awesome to me, even if the characters look a little odd. I think I'm going to have to buy 'em now:)
    (And sorry about the spaces, I didn't know if you could link in the comment form, and otherwise it seemed to disappear off the side of the page when I previewed it *shakes fist*)

  9. I have! Although I decided not to look at the previews too closely, since I already pre-ordered the first two comics, and will be happy to be surprised when they come. :)

    (And for the record, yes, you can use HTML to post kinks in the comment form.)

  10. Kinks!? Um, you can use HTML to post links, I meant. Although I suppose you could also post kinks. Or kinky links. Or linky kinks. Or... :)

  11. Just let me know if they're work-safe or not. :)


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