Friday, June 06, 2003

"The Edge of Destruct-- of Destruction!"

So, I've been watching some old Hartnell-era Doctor Who episodes lately, and happen to have just seen the third episode, "The Edge of Destruction" (aka "Inside the Spaceship," and, no, I do not want to get into a debate about what the proper title is). Man, people say season 26 was strange...

I hate to say it, but this is probably the single most unintentionally funny Doctor Who episode of all time. A completely nonsensical plot, some extremely silly lines of dialog, and some of the funniest and goofiest of Hartnell's notorious dialog fluffs combine to make it, well, a prime candidate for a good MST3King, actually. Eventually, I just gave in and went with it, thusly[*]:

Ian [checking the Doctor's pulse]: "His heart's all right."
Me: "Oh, man, if he's got a normal heartbeat, he's in big trouble."

Doctor: "A rash action is worse than no action at all."
Me: "That is so not his motto."

Doctor [to Barbara and Ian]: "I'm going to have to put you off the ship!"
Me: "Oh, you've just been looking for an excuse to say that, haven't you?"

Doctor: "We have only ten minutes left."
Me: "So, Barbara, if you and Ian want to go have hot monkey sex, as is traditional in these circumstances, you'd better and go do it now."

Doctor [to Ian]: "We only have five minutes before the end. Will you face it with me?"
Me: "So they're going to go have hot monkey sex? Ick."

Barbara: "Perhaps we've been given nothing but clues."
Me: "Yeah, but unfortunately, none of them make any sense!"

Doctor: "The TARDIS is trying to tell us something."
[TARDIS alarm makes a loud "bong!" noise]
Me: "OK, TARDIS! One 'bong!' for yes, two for no! What's that? Little Timmy's in the well?"

[The Doctor delivers a disturbingly impassioned soliloquy about solar system formation.]
Me: "Thank you, Dr. Science! Oh, hey, maybe that's his last name."

[The Doctor explains that the whole thing was caused by a switch being stuck, and proceeds to demonstrate to Susan at great length how this happened, using the button on his flashlight.]
Me: "Ah, yes, that amazingly advanced Gallifreyan button technology! I despair of ever mastering it."

[*] Note that I don't have a transcription of the episode in front of me, and my memory is far from infallible, so a lot of these quotes are not verbatim, and some of them are pretty broad paraphrases. So sue me. I should probably also point out that I love this show deeply, and probably wouldn't bother making fun of it, otherwise. And also that the episode is partially redeemed by a couple of really good character moments, especially a very sweet scene between the Doctor and Barbara at the end.

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