Thursday, November 14, 2002

Still Chillin' in Jersey

Well, I've got a little while to myself just at the moment -- Dad's asleep, my stepmother's out at a meeting about selling Avon[*] -- and I have access to their computer. Bwahahaha! The feeling of power! Foolish mortals, leaving me access to their machine! Why, I could... I could... Uh, I could update my blog.

So. Anyway, yep, I'm still on vacation, still in New Jersey. Yesterday and today, I spent some time hanging around with my grandmother and my aunt and cousins, which was nice, considering how seldom I get to see any of them. Other than that, well, I think I've mostly been eating. And eating. And eating. At this rate, I'm not going to be able to fit into the plane seat on the return trip, but, you know, people just sort of keep handing me food. "Here! You can't get this stuff in New Mexico! Have some!" So I do. I mean, you know, it'd hardly be polite to turn down the hospitality. Right?

I've also been watching a lot of movies. Somehow, my stepmother and I have ended up having a Star Trek movie marathon. I didn't even have to supply the movies! They've got a whole shelf full of 'em! You know, sometimes I forget just how cool these people can actually be. Also, my Dad makes a fairly mean chile.

Hmm. I should probably go now before they wake up/get back and find me writing complimentary things about them. I mean, how embarrassing would that be? Heh.

[*] Note how I manfully refrain from making a Blake's 7 reference there. Actually, you know, I walked out of the hotel to their car after the convention, only to suddenly be confronted by a "Let's talk Avon!" sticker in the window, and I must admit, it made for a weird grinding of mental gears. My immediate thought was "But I just spent the entire weekend doing that!" (And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, you haven't watched nearly enough SF television. You can go here to educate yourself if you like.) And, gee, I guess that, um, wasn't very manful of me, after all.

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