Wednesday, June 26, 2002

OK, Now I'm Actually Making a Political Statement

It seems that a federal court has ruled that the US Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional, due to the "under God" phrase, which violates the separation of church and state. To which I can only say: duh! I mean, this much was obvious to me in the sixth grade, which is when I stopped repeating the damned thing. And nobody ever told me it was optional when I was a kid, either. They just told me to stand up and say the words, in exactly the same tone of voice as they used to tell me to read chapters 5-7 in the textbook for Monday. (Hmm, I wonder if that was optional, too?)

"I think I'm a patriotic American," says the guy who brought the lawsuit. "I'm upholding the Constitution. Children shouldn't have the government telling them what the proper religious philosophy is." Amen to that, says I! The Attorney General, however, apparently begs to differ, saying that the decision is "contrary to two centuries of American tradition." Which I find really amusing, considering that the "under God" was only added in 1954, apparently out of fear of those Godless Commies infiltrating our schools or something.

OK. I'm getting off the soapbox now. Back to your regularly scheduled pop-cultural wibblings.

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