Wednesday, April 24, 2002

I can't sleep. Apparently my body still thinks it's on the night shift. This sucks.

So I'm going to entertain myself by recollecting some more good Farscape quotes.

Like, here's one of my favorites (from "Thanks for Sharing"):

[Stark gets stressed out during repairs to a badly-damaged Talyn, and starts showing signs of having one of his patented "episodes"]
CRICHTON: "Astro!" [waves tool back and forth in front of Stark's face and chants hypnotically] "Work now... freak... later... work now... freak... later... "
STARK: "Oh, yeah... yes... that's fair."
STARK: "How much later?"

I love Stark.

And I can't believe I didn't include any Rygel quotes. That guy gets some great lines:

From "Out of Their Minds":

[Alien vomits all over the floor]
ALIEN: "Excuse."
RYGEL: " No, that's all right. We do that sort of thing all the time here on Moya. I just peed in the maintenance bay."

Honestly, that one is hysterically funny in context. So's the whole episode, come to that. And between this and the "It's puke?" line I quoted last time, you're getting a glimpse of a recurring motif in Farscape. It probably features more vomit -- total or per episode -- than any other science fiction show in history. Speaking of funny quotes, I'm tempted to mention the time Stark opened a ship-to-ship communication by shouting "Vomit! Vomit!" for no reason that anybody on the other ship could immediately grasp. Of course, it not only made complete sense in Stark's mind, but it actually turned out that what he was trying to communicate was a highly intelligent (and ultimately successful) plan for saving everybody's bacon. Did I mention that I love Stark? Even if the poor guy is like some kind of magnet for projectile muppet-vomit.

OK, I'm insomniac, and I'm rambling. Where was I? Ah, Rygel quotes. How's this one:

CRICHTON: "I'm sick of having you sell us out every chance you get!"
RYGEL: "I don't do it every chance!"

From "A Clockwork Nebari." I actually had that one in my .sig for a while. It's just such a splendid example of how different this show is from the conflictless everybody-gets-along of Star Trek. (Not that I don't love Star Trek. But, still, there's only so much human perfection one can take...)

Let's not forget Zhaan while we're quoting people. From "Through the Looking Glass":

[Chiana is relating an anecdote about some amusing act of violence and mayhem she wreaked in her past. Apparently, she suddenly realizes that she's talking to a priest.]
CHIANA: "Should I be telling you this?
ZHAAN: "My dear, I've kicked more ass than you've sat on."

She has, too.

And then there's D'Argo. From "Different Destinations":

[The gang have ended up going back in time, and are desperately afraid of doing anything to change the future. Which is unfortunate, because they're being attacked.]
CRICHTON: "Hey, try not to kill anybody!"
D'ARGO: "I'm not gonna kill anyone..." [A soldier rushes towards him.] "Oh... I-I might kill this guy..."

I love that episode, by the way. It's a perfect example of what I was talking about (or quoting David Kemper talking about) a couple of posts ago: the way this series likes to do familiar things in totally new ways. Farscape does Star Trek's "City on the Edge of Forever": inside-out, upside-down, and twice as tragic.

Speaking of Star Trek, Farscape definitely acknowledges its predecessors. My favorite Trek reference (from "Losing Time"):

[Crichton is trying to communicate with a DRD -- a little robot drone. It makes some bleeps and bloops at him, but he totally fails to understand it.]
CRICHTON: " All right, we don't understand the R2-D2 crap. We're gonna use the Star Trek system. One blink for yes, two blinks for no."

...And for the rest of the episode, he refers to it as "DRD Pike"! And if you get that joke, then, congratulations, you're a Star Trek fan!

I'll leave you with a couple of mildly naughty ones:

From "Liars, Guns, and Money, pt. 1":
[Bad guy Scorpius is overheating badly, and is trying to get Crichton to give him his coolant rod]
SCORPIUS: "Insert the rod, John!"
CRICHTON: "You're really not my type."

I must admit, I completely missed that the first time I saw this one. Which just made it all the funnier the second time...

And, since we haven't heard from Aeryn yet:

[Crichton and Crais are squabbling, and Aeryn is getting really fed up with it]
AERYN: "Talyn, you've seen them both naked. Perhaps you can tell us who's bigger."

Alas, for those of us who are curious, Talyn fails to answer...

OK, now I'm getting silly and crude, so maybe it's time to try going back to sleep again...

(By the way, just in case anybody's wondering, I am not remembering all these off the top of my head! The web is your friend! You can find episode transcripts on it, and everything!)

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