Monday, April 22, 2002

Great episode of Futurama on tonight. One of the best Star Trek parodies I've seen, in fact (and believe me, I've seen a lot of 'em!). You can tell that the writers/animators really know their subject matter, because I spotted about six thousand Trek references that only a pathetically obsessed fan could possibly be expected to get. (Though I do believe there were more than five episodes featuring energy beings, depending on one's definition of energy being.) I'm glad I happened to tape this one, because I think I'm going to hang on to it. And, hey, I even got a new .sig quote out of the experience!

What makes it even more amusing, though, is that I had a character in a short-lived GURPS space game who was a member of the "Orthodox Church of Star Trek," pretty much just exactly as portrayed in the episode. Fortunately, nobody attempted to throw her into a volcano...

It's such a darned pity that they're yanking Futurama off the air. As Bender put it, "yet another classic science fiction show cancelled before its time." What I find particularly depressing about this is that I've probably only seen about half to two-thirds of the episodes. They kept pre-empting the show so damn much that it was hard for me to remember to watch it when it was actually on! I wonder if they'll ever put it out on DVD?

And speaking of things that are a pity... Tonight's Simpsons turned out to be a clip show. I turned it off. I mean, what's the point? Why don't they just show a rerun? At least that way we'd actually get to watch an entire story...

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