Sunday, December 27, 2015

Was I Visited By Some Kind Of Evil Snow Genie?

Ye gods, just because I said the snow was pretty, that didn't mean I wanted all the snow forever. Seriously, it can stop now.


  1. I'm glad you live close enough to work that you can walk. My drive this morning was clear sailing, but you wouldn't know that from the TV stations, as all they reported about was the parts of the state which got a lot of snow -- not a word about roads that were open or cities that didn't get any snow.

    1. Well, in fairness, not getting snow and roads not being closed isn't exactly news. :)

      I'm glad you didn't have any problems getting to work, though. I wondered how things were up there.

  2. Well, when the governor issues a state of emergency and tells "everyone" to stay home but you're looking out your window at the 2" of snow in the yard and what had been on the street has all melted, you tend to wonder what the news media are not telling you.

    1. I think what they're not telling you is, "Be glad you don't live in Socorro." :)

  3. What is this "snow" of which you speak? I think we used to have it here in New York, but then this year we had the air conditioner on high on Christmas Eve, so...

    1. This is the East Coast getting us back for last winter, isn't it? :)


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