Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This Is The Sort Of Thing You Get When I Decide To Post More Regularly.

Lesson for today: it's a very good idea to wear gloves when you apply shoe polish. Oh, well. I'm sure the orange fingernails make some kind of fashion statement.


  1. The office manager came in today, saying she and her daughter had their nails done yesterday. As young as the manager is, I would never have expected a grandmother to sport black fingernails.

    And since when do you have orange shoes?

    1. Hey, grandmothers can have any color fingernails they want! :)

      And the shoes are brown. But my fingers are, you know, that pinky-beige white person color. Apparently together they make orange. Fortunately, though, it did eventually come off. But then today I managed to smudge a couple of fingers with blue magic marker, which hasn't completely come off. Possibly I should just not be allowed around anything colorful.

  2. At the very least, you confuse people trying to figure out what planet you come from, based on the "natural" color of your skin that sometimes peeks through the pinky-beige.

    1. If I weren't a little too tall, I'd say maybe a Ferengi.

    2. ...or maybe a Delvian, for the blue, but that was shade was probably a little too dark.

      (And, yes, I know you're not going to get the reference. One of these days, I really should rectify that. :))

  3. That's what Google is for: to teach me it's a Stargate reference.

  4. Oops. I guess my brain is still tired, as it switched between Farscape and Stargate as quickly as I switched web pages. They rhyme, though, so I should get a negative half point for trying. :)

    1. I hereby award you your negative half point. :)


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