Wednesday, May 08, 2013

I Am Still Living Long And Prospering. More Or Less.

It has come to my attention that my posting here has been, well, nearly nonexistent, and that people do notice this fact and seem to miss me. Awww! Unless, of course, they're secretly wondering if I'm dead and they can loot my DVD collection.

Anyway, nope, still not dead. Just... quiet. Or at least I am here. You know how it is. You don't seem to have anything much interesting to say, and the longer you go without saying anything, the more interesting it feels like you need to be to be worth breaking the silence, and... yeah. Well, never mind that. I'm going to try to post here a bit more regularly, and then all of you who encouraged me can ask yourselves, "My god, what have I done?" when I start going on about the boring details of my boring life.

But let's start with a video, instead. You know, I hate commercials. I honestly loathe them. And when somebody tells me there's this really cute, clever, well-made commercial I must see, that only makes me inclined to be even more hostile to it. Because commercials are an attempt to manipulate my brain for profit, and the only thing worse than doing that badly is doing it well. But, well, I had to make an exception for this one. Had to. So:

ETA: And literally as I was posting this, somebody sent me an e-mail with a link to this video, in case I hadn't seen it yet. Oh, my interests, they are so very, very predictable.


  1. yes Dad asked me if I'd heard from you because you hadn't posted anything :)

    1. It's nice to know that people care. :)

  2. Even though the DVD's are lighter than books, they're safe from me. I'll just bring loads of boxes to clear out that "to read room". :)

    1. So, you're not gonna fight my relatives for the Who discs, then? :)

  3. While they're busy scratching and clawing each other, I'll sneak out the kitchen door with the videotapes. ;)

    1. I don't think anybody's likely to want to fight you over those. :)


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