Thursday, December 31, 2020

Since We've Finally Made It To The End of 2020

This little old blog really is basically moribund at this point, I'm afraid. But I felt like it would be wrong, somehow, not to at least stop in here to say that I did, in fact, survive 2020. Since that hardly seems like something that can be confidently assumed, really. It was a year that featured some not-great stuff for me, personally, which, of course, is hugely overshadowed by all the ways it was terrible for many others and on a much larger scale. But, although 2020 has made me feel a lot of cynicism and disillusionment, and even though I know the change of digits on the calendar, in itself, means nothing, I am nevertheless feeling hopeful for better things in 2021. And I hope very much that that will be true for any of you out there who happen to be reading this, as well as for the world at large.

And, hey, at least I read a good number of books in 2020, so the year wasn't a total loss, right?

Anyway. Here's wishing you all a very happy New Year, and a better, brighter future to come.


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