Monday, March 30, 2015

Everyone Should Have A 5-Year Supply of Books Stockpiled In Case Of Emergency.

Today's fun link: a helpful/terrifying tool to calculate how long it will take you to finish all your unread books.

My results look like this:

Reading all 783 books will take:
5 years and 8 months

You will finish your TBR pile on:
November 23, 2020

And you will be:
49 years old

That's not too bad, right? Let's just ignore that small matter of me buying them faster than I read them.

I'm also very amused that apparently I will finish reading my stash on Doctor Who Anniversary Day. Clearly, I'll need to finish up with a Who-related book. Guess I've got five years and eight months to decide which one.


  1. So this is *if* you don't buy any more books...or have you read *so* many that you only have 783 left of all the books in the world? ;)

    1. Unfortunately, they keep publishing them faster than I can read them. Which I feel is very inconsiderate.

  2. I am always very pleased when I discover a book I genuinely don't want to read. "Well, that's *one*," I think...

    1. Somehow, that seems to happen to me surprisingly rarely.

  3. I must publicly state that I am responsible for only a small percentage of those 783 books!

    1. This is true. Even if I do unfairly try to blame you for all those Janet Evanovich novels. :)


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