Sunday, December 01, 2013

Time Lords And Turkey

I hope all the Americans out there had a lovely Thanksgiving! (Well, I hope all the Canadians did, too, but that sentiment is even more belated for them.) I was actually able to take several days off over the holiday, which was nice, since my ol' buddy "Captain Chlorophyll" was back in NM again, and we were finally able to do the Doctor Who marathon we'd been talking about forever. Because he hadn't seen any of the Matt Smith episodes, and that situation simply could not be allowed to stand. Although, sadly, we did not quite manage to get him as far as the Pandorica opening, mostly because I insisted on showing him Tom Baker's classic "The Seeds of Doom" first. (Because, dude! It's Captain Chlorophyll!) But that's OK. I'm sure there will be a next time.

Meanwhile, speaking of time, here it is the beginning of December already. I'm not sure exactly how that happened. And yet, I am already feeling tired of winter. One weekend of snow is entirely enough for me. Ah, well. In the spirit of the recent holiday, I am attempting to focus on the things I am grateful for (food! shelter! books!) rather than complaining. If only complaining were a little less easy.


  1. Did you see The Day of the Doctor?

    1. Of course! Of course I did!

      Which leads me to realize that I didn't say anything about it here, but, well, I'm not sure what I could say, without spoilers. :)

  2. Yes, until all of Betty's family and friends get to marathon with her and catch up on all their missed episodes, and until the BBC installs IV's to give us a constant Doctor drip (would that make us Who-iv-ans?), spoilers would be bad.

    1. I certainly would not wish to spoil things for you! Although in the case of "The Day of the Doctor," I suppose I could say something along the lines of, "I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about certain continuity issues, but I did very much enjoy it." Which does not begin to capture my full reaction, but should be thoroughly non-spoilery.

      That IV drip sounds pretty good, though. :)


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