Sunday, August 04, 2013

Lucky Number Twelve!

The identity of the Twelfth Doctor has now been revealed! And, wow, for once the rumors I was hearing on the internet were actually right. I think that may be the first time that's ever happened. Seems like a pretty good choice, as far as I can tell. I remember really liking his performance on Torchwood, although not the specifics of why, exactly, meaning that perhaps it is time for a rewatch. And much as I love Matt Smith -- and I love Matt Smith to itty, bitty, tiny little Time Lordy pieces -- I'm pleased with the idea of having someone a bit older in the role again. I'll be interested, and am very excited, to see what he does with it!


  1. He was in Children of Earth. You know, the good Torchwood.

  2. Although, honestly, he's probably better known for this.

    1. Hee! Somehow, I suspect he's going to be getting slightly different dialog for Who. Although that might almost be a pity. "You stay detached. Otherwise that's what I'll do to your retinas" is kind of brilliant. I think I want to watch this show now. :)


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